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Ivan L. Zenzen

  1. Max-Planck Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology - MPIMP
    Potsdam-Golm (Germany)
    Researcher Scholar
    01/04/2017 – 01/08/2017
    • Transformation vector construction (DNAStar Lasergene© software)
    • Plasmid preparation protocols (Mini- and Midiprep)
    • In silico quality analysis of sequenced plasmid DNA
    • Biolistic transformation protocol follow-up

    40-hour week - Projects collaboration:
    - Metabolic engineering for induced production of crocin in tobacco plants via riboswitch technology
    - Protein degradation in chloroplasts through Clip-protease complex according to N-terminal protein portions

    Business or sector: Research & Development

  2. Federal University of South Frontier - UFFS
    Cerro Largo, RS (Brazil)
    Teacher at Higher Education
    08/08/2015 – 08/01/2016
    • Member of evaluation board for monograph presentations
    • Teaching activities in the courses of:
      - Biochemistry
      - Horticulture

    40-hour week - Teaching BSc. courses:
    - Agronomy (3 classes)
    - Biology (2 classes)

    Business or sector: Education

  3. Collaboration Center for School Food and Nourishment - CECANE-UFRGS
    Porto Alegre, RS (Brazil)
    Agronomist Assessor
    10/03/2014 – 10/07/2014
    • Assistance to PNAE Executing Entities for legal compliance and adequacy
    • Lead of organizational meetings with family farmers and municipal public managers
    • Technical visits to smallholder family farmer production units in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

    20-hour week - Consultancy:
    - "Family Farming - PNAE" product development through organization of systems of commercialization for agroindustrial products within the scope of the National Program of School Nourishment (PNAE)
    - Assistance to Executing Entities (municipalities) for compliance with National Law 11.947 / 2009 on institutional markets for family farming products

    Business or sector: Agriculture

  4. CERT-ID Certification
    Porto Alegre, RS (Brazil)
    Agronomist Auditor
    04/03/2013 – 01/10/2013
    • Field audits in segments of non-GMO crop production chains
    • Assistance in implementation of quality management programs
    • Certification of sustainability standards
    • Compliance certificates issuance
    • Technical training follw-up

    40-hour week - Audit & Consultancy:
    - Inspection and certification audits (non-GMO Cert ID standard - compatible with current Brazilian and European Union legislation) on farms, industry and warehouse units involved in the non-GMO soybean production chain
    - Inspection and certification audits (Cert ID ProTerra Environmental Sustainability and Social Responsibility standard) on farms, industry and warehouse units involved in agricultural commodity production chains
    - Training for "RTRS - Round Table on Responsible Soy" for responsible soybean production and RTRS chain of custody
    - Training for quantification and evaluation of the ecological footprint of greenhouse gases

    Business or sector: Agriculture

  5. Integrated Regional University of Alto Uruguai and Missões - URI
    Frederico Westphalen, RS (Brazil)
    Teacher at Higher Education
    04/12/2012 – 17/12/2012
    • Teaching activities in the course of:
      - Agrometeorology

    6-hour week - Teaching BSc. course:
    - Agricultural technology (1 class)

    Business or sector: Education

  6. Federal University of Santa Maria - UFSM
    Frederico Westphalen, RS (Brazil)
    Teacher at Basic, Technical and Technological Education
    21/03/2012 – 01/02/2013
    • Member of evaluation board for monograph presentations
    • Supervision of academic research work
    • Teaching activities in the courses of:
      - Work safety - agricultural machinery
      - Regional crops I (wheat, rye, barley, triticale, rapeseed/CANOLA)
      - Regional crops II (soybean, corn, sorghum, tobacco)
      - Irrigation & drainage
      - Biotechnology
      - Plant pest & disease management
      - Forage plants ecophysiology

    40-hour week - Teaching Technological courses:
    - Agricultural Technician - modality concomitant to High School (5 classes)
    - Agricultural Technician - modality subsequent to High School (2 classes)
    - National Program of Access to Technical Education and Employment - PRONATEC (1 class)

    Business or sector: Education

  7. Monsanto do Brasil LTDA
    Cascavel, PR (Brazil)
    Commercial Trait Representative II
    03/03/2011 – 18/02/2012
    • Positioning of new biotech traits - INTACTA RR2Pro soybean
    • Implementation and execution of experimental and demonstrative fields
    • Compliance insurance with the stewardship plans
    • Market prospect & development
    • Stakeholders management

    40-hour week - Marketing:
    - Pre-launching of INTACTA RR2Pro technology (crop season 2011/2012) in western region of the state of Paraná, Brazil
    - Technology presentation & hiring process of 15 demonstrative fields with the main stakeholders on the region
    - Implementation (sowing), conduction (cultural management practices), and performance evaluation (harvest and yield assessment) of demonstrative and experimental INTACTA RR2Pro fields
    - Follow-up activities with other members of the INTACTA team in the states of Paraná and Mato Grosso, Brazil
    - Demonstrations of INTACTA RR2Pro technology directly to stakeholders, as well as in agribusiness fairs and events
    - Responsible product management of INTACTA RR2Pro technology
    - Alignment meetings to develop marketing strategies

    Business or sector: Agriculture

  8. Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation - EMBRAPA
    Viçosa, MG (Brazil)
    Industrial Technology Development
    10/10/2010 – 03/03/2011
    • Screening of coffee rust (Hemileia vastatrix Berk. & Br) resistance associated genes
    • Gene expression profile assessment by qRT-PCR
    • RFLP protocols

    40-hour week - Projects collaboration:
    - Prospection and genetic mapping of coffee rust (Hemileia vastatrix Berk. & Br) resistance associated genes in coffee plant genotypes

    Business or sector: Research & Development

  9. Purdue University
    West Lafayette, IN (United States of America)
    Researcher Scholar
    01/09/2009 – 01/01/2010
    • Ionomic profile assessment via Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS)
    • Plant ion homeostasis analysis
    • Reverse genetics analysis

    40-hour week - Projects collaboration:
    - US-Brazilian Rice Ionomics Collaborative (USBRIC), US National Science Foundation, Developing Country Collaborations in Plant Genome Research (DCC-PGR) (PI David E Salt)

    Business or sector: Research & Development